Indian Squad announced for Mandiri U20 Challenge Series, a four-nation friendly tournament, which will be played in between January 24 to 30 at Indonesia. Apart from India, Syria, Jordan and hosts Indonesia are the other teams. The 23-member squad have players who were preparing for SAFF U19 Championship to be...
India U20 Football Team to play Four Nation Friendly tournament at Indonesia
India U20 Football Team to play Four Nation Friendly tournament at Indonesia. As per ASEAN Football, India, Jordan, Syria and host Indonesia will participate. The fixture is yet to announce, but dates will be January 24, 27 and 30. Picture Courtesy: Social Media
India defeated Maldives 11-1 in second FIFA Women’s Friendly at Bengaluru
India defeated Maldives 11-1 in second FIFA Women's Friendly at the Padukone-Dravid Centre for Sports Excellence, Bengaluru on Thursday. The Blue Tigresses led 6-1 at half-time. Debutant forward Lhingdeikim netted four goals (12’, 16’, 56’, 59’), Simran Gurung scored a brace (62’, 68’), Kajol Dsouza (15’), Sibani Devi (45+1’), Pooja...
India defeated Maldives 14-0 in first FIFA Women’s Friendly
Indian Women's Team defeated Maldives Women's Team 14-0 in first FIFA Women's Friendly at the Padukone-Dravid Centre for Sports Excellence on Monday. Blue Tigresses led 8-0 in half time. This was the first match for Head Coach Joakim Alexandersson. For India, Lynda Kom Serto scored four (12’, 21’, 29’, 52’),...