Amid the hectic activities in the All India Football Federation over the filing of nomination for the Executive Committee election, the posterboy of Indian Football, Bhaichung Bhutia has filed his fresh nomination for the post of President. Sources close to the development told IANS that his nomination was proposed by...
Former Goalkeeper Kalyan Chaubey likely to be unanimous AIFF presidential Candidate
Kalyan Chaubey, a former goalkeeper and now BJP leader from Bengal, is the frontrunner for the presidency of the All India Football Federation (AIFF). Chaubey had filed his nomination for the top post from Gujarat, seconded by Arunachal Pradesh, is likely to succeed Praful Patel uncontested when elections are held...
Bhaichung Bhutia and Kalyan Chaubey files nomination for AIFF president’s post
The legendary Bhaichung Bhutia on Friday filed his nomination for the president’s post in the upcoming All India Football Federation (AIFF) elections. Former captain Bhutia was proposed by his onetime national teammate Deepak Mondal and seconded by Madhu Kumari. Former India goalkeeper Kalyan Chaubey has also filed his nomination for...
FIFA bans India and takes away hosting rights of Women’s U17 World Cup
FIFA has suspended the All India Football Federation (AIFF) with immediate effect due to “undue influence from third parties”, world soccer’s governing body said on Monday. The suspension also means that the Under-17 women’s World Cup, which was scheduled to take place in India from Oct. 11-30, cannot be held...