Indian Squad announced for Mandiri U20 Challenge Series, a four-nation friendly tournament, which will be played in between January 24 to 30 at Indonesia. Apart from India, Syria, Jordan and hosts Indonesia are the other teams. The 23-member squad have players who were preparing for SAFF U19 Championship to be...
Indian Women’s Head Team coach Joakim Alexandersson announces 23-member squad for Maldives friendlies
Indian Women's Head Team coach Joakim Alexandersson announces 23-member squad for Maldives friendlies which will be played on December 30, 2024, and January 2, 2025. The squad: Goalkeepers: Hempriya Seram, Maibam Linthoingambi Devi, Nandini. Defenders: Aruna Bag, Juhi Singh, Juli Kishan, Sangita Basfore, Sanju, Shivani Toppo, Sorokhaibam Ranjana Chanu, Toijam...
Joakim Alexandersson appointed women’s Chief Coach of India U20 and India U17 Team
Swedish coach Joakim Alexandersson appointed women’s Chief Coach of India U20 and India U17 Team. He has come as part of an agreement between the All India Football Federation and the Swedish Football Association. He an extensive playing career as a defender majorly for IF Elfsborg, captaining the club and...