East Bengal FC Women's Squad announced for Hero Indian Women's League 2023. The Red & Gold Women's Brigade is clubbed with Gokulam Kerala FC, Mata Rukmani FC, HOPS FC, Misaka United FC, Kahaani FC, Sports Odisha and Mumbai Knights FC in Group A. Sulanjana Raul, who’s currently with the national...
East Bengal Women’s Team coach, Sujata Kar resigned six days before the team’s maiden IWL campaign
East Bengal Women's Team coach, Sujata Kar resigned from her post on Wednesday. She guided East Bengal Women's Team to win the Kanyashree Cup, which helped the Red & Gold Women's Brigade to qualify for Indian Women's League. East Bengal FC will begin their maiden campaign in IWL on April...
India Women’s Team Goalkeeper Aditi Chauhan signs for Iceland’s Hamar Hveragerdi
Indian Women’s Football Team Goalkeeper Aditi Chauhan is all set to go to Iceland after she signed with Icelandic club Hamar Hveragerdi, the All India Football Federation confirmed on Twitter on Thursday. Aditi will play for the club in the third division of the women’s football league system in the...