India defeated Maldives 11-1 in second FIFA Women's Friendly at the Padukone-Dravid Centre for Sports Excellence, Bengaluru on Thursday. The Blue Tigresses led 6-1 at half-time. Debutant forward Lhingdeikim netted four goals (12’, 16’, 56’, 59’), Simran Gurung scored a brace (62’, 68’), Kajol Dsouza (15’), Sibani Devi (45+1’), Pooja...
India defeated Maldives 14-0 in first FIFA Women’s Friendly
Indian Women's Team defeated Maldives Women's Team 14-0 in first FIFA Women's Friendly at the Padukone-Dravid Centre for Sports Excellence on Monday. Blue Tigresses led 8-0 in half time. This was the first match for Head Coach Joakim Alexandersson. For India, Lynda Kom Serto scored four (12’, 21’, 29’, 52’),...