32-time champions West Bengal Placed in Group A of Final Round of 78th NFC for Santosh Trophy which will begin on December 14, 2024, in Hyderabad, Telangana.
West Bengal is clubbed with Services, Manipur, Telangana, Jammu & Kashmir and Rajasthan. In Group B, Goa, Delhi, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Odisha and Meghalaya is placed.
All matches until the quarter-finals will take place at the Deccan Arena. The semi-finals on December 29 and the final on December 31 will be held at the GMC Balayogi Athletic Stadium.
West Bengal’s Fixture:
December 14 vs Jammu & Kashmir
December 16 vs Telangana
December 18 vs Rajasthan
December 21 vs Manipur
December 23 vs Services
Picture Courtesy: Social Media
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